Our Certification Program
Certified Kind agriculture is an earth-friendly way of farming rooted firmly in the idea that the way we farm is just as important as the yield. Certified Kind growers produce crops in harmony with natural systems using methods that are Kind to Life, Kind to Earth. Certified Kind draws inspiration from the creative force of natural ecosystems and the power of plants to shape and transform human culture.
The principals of health, ecology, fairness, and care, so eloquently defined by the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), helped guide the development of the Certified Kind rules. The Certified Kind rules have been modeled after the IFOAM Norms for Organic Production and Processing, the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards, and the organic standards of the European Union, Canada, and Mexico. Each of these standards has historical roots in regional grassroots movements initiated by farmers deeply committed to growing a healthy planet.
Are you ready to get Certified Kind?